Monday, April 6, 2009


My name is Cynthia, and I've had six miscarriages. I created this blog as a way to reach out to parents who have experienced the death of a child during pregnancy, stillbirth, or early infancy. You are not alone.

I've been married to my husband, Matthew, since 1998, and we've been blessed with a wonderful son, Tyler. We live in Wisconsin, having arrived here eight years ago by way of North Carolina and Florida. We work full-time jobs outside of the home. We have very full lives.

Matthew and I chose to wait until we had been married for five years before we decided to have kids. I assumed that once I got my body in "baby shape," healthy babies would soon arrive. Well, not so fast. We survived three miscarriages in fifteen months. My potholes. When our son was two years old, we tried for another child. Within nine months, we had three more miscarriages, the most recent one in March of this year.

I call this site "My Yellow Brick Road Has Potholes" because I feel a little like Dorothy. She knows where she wants to go and wants to get there so badly, but there are troubles along the way. While I'm not dealing with flying monkeys or crazy ladies with broomsticks, I have stumbled, fallen, and gotten bruised along the way. Nobody told Dorothy the journey would be so painful. Fortunately, she has the support of kind and able loved ones. Along with hope and a strong spirit, she made it to Oz and then back home.

My doctor is baffled, but my outlook is hopeful. With loved ones along the way, the journey is bearable. You may feel shock, sadness, bewilderment, rage, jealousy, or a number of other emotions. Your journey may not be what you thought it was going to be or even should be. I encourage you to put on your ruby red slippers, close your eyes, breathe, and allow yourself to hope. Your dreams can come true.


Anonymous said...

Beautifully written. Remember you all are loved way down in Texas.

Samantha said...

I am so glad that you are able to share this way, and I think this message, this journey, will resonate with so many. I had wanted to do something similar while we were going through our 3 miscarriages before my son was born, but it was too raw for me to be able to put to words, to share with the world. I admire your courage, appreciate the journey you've been on, and wish you hope for the future.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for starting this blog. It is a nice resource for women like 'us' who have suffered unfortunate losses. Just knowing that I'm not the "only one" who has endured 6 miscarriages out of 7 pregnancies in the past 4 years is helpful, and it still gives me hope... Thanks again for all that you are doing to help support us who are in the same boat, it means alot...

alliemich said...

I came to the first post to see exactly what has happened in your painful journey. Do you see a RE or OBGYN? Have you found a reason for your losses? What medications or treatments were you on when you carried your son? I have only found one other person with my problem, she is currently pregnant, and I pray to God she carries this baby to birth. I have found such little supportive info about women with RPL who do in fact have a child. Please email me at GOD BLESS!!!

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